Accessibility statement

The website is subject to the requirements of the Act on the Provision of Digital Services. Under the Act, public online services must be accessible, which means that everyone must have equal access to them. 

This statement describes the identified shortcomings in the accessibility of this website and provides information on how you can give us feedback on the accessibility of the service.

Accessibility of the service

The website largely meets the A and AA accessibility criteria (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.1) required by the Act, and has no critical shortcomings in its accessibility. The main shortcomings in the accessibility of the service are described below.

This statement, prepared on 7 October 2021, concerns the online service of the Museum of Contemporary Emotions. The accessibility of the website has been assessed by the website holder. Different utility software have been used to support the assessment of accessibility.

If the material you need is not accessible, please contact us using our feedback form . We will supply the material you need in an accessible form.

Contrast issues in the content

The contrast between the background and the elements in the foreground is not always sufficient. The contrast between the text and the graphics does not in certain parts fully meet the AA level criteria. In addition, there are contrast problems in buttons and forms. (WCAG 1.4.3)

Errors in page heading hierarchy

The order of page heading levels in the HTML code is partly incorrect. This may make it more difficult to browse the page using a screen reader. A page’s HTML code may contain extra heading levels with no text. (WCAG 2.1.41)

There are shortcomings in focusing and naming

Not all buttons or page titles have names. (WCAG 2.4.7)

Content scalability

It is not possible to scale the content to 200% without compromising the readability. (WCAG 1.4.6)


It is not possible the navigate all parts of the site without using a mouse. (WCAG 1.4.13)

Have you noticed any accessibility concerns?

We constantly strive to improve the accessibility of our online service. If you find any accessibility issues on the website that are not described in this statement, please let us know. We are also happy to receive other comments and suggestions for improvements to the accessibility of the website. Send feedback on accessibility using this online form.

Accessibility supervision

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland oversees the fulfilment of accessibility requirements. If you are not satisfied with our reply, or if you do not receive any response within two weeks, please send your feedback to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. Detailed information on how to file a complaint and how the matter will be handled is available on the Agency’s website.

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland 
Saavutettavuuden valvonnan yksikkö (supervisory unit for accessibility)
Saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fiAccessibility requirements web service (available in Finnish and Swedish) 
tel. +358 295 016 000 (switchboard)