The first step on your way to recovery is to understand your own feelings
Self-reflection is a way to assess and get to know yourself. By doing so, we allow our brain to pause in the middle of chaos, clear our messy thoughts and sort our experiences. It can help us find meaning in our actions and interpret ourselves.
When did you last reflect on your life? Perhaps at the turn of the year, when you thought about the past year and prepared to welcome the new one? In addition to this, we rarely have moments in our lives that are dedicated to reflecting on our thoughts, feelings and dreams.
The pandemic forced us to stay indoors. We stayed close to mirrors and digital displays where we saw our own reflection. Month after month, we spent time with our own reflections, but did we really see ourselves? Now, we have gathered these reflections at the Museum of Contemporary Emotions.
The Museum of Contemporary Emotions is your mirror, your active tool for self-reflection. It provides the opportunity to go back in time and to see yourself and those like you with new eyes – what happened? How did you feel? The Museum of Contemporary Emotions is a space and a tool that allows you to interpret yourself and perhaps learn something new.
When your dominant fundamental feeling is joy, you may feel playful, interested, proud, peaceful, optimistic, curious, grateful, creative or inspired

When your dominant fundamental feeling is sadness, you may feel lonely, desperate, guilty, isolated, victimised, powerless, or empty.

When your dominant fundamental feeling is fear, you may feel anxious, unstable, abandoned, worried, nervous, insignificant, helpless or rejected.

When your dominant fundamental feeling is anger, you may feel betrayed, critical, belittling, irritated, humiliated, jealous or bitter.

When your dominant fundamental feeling is disgust, you may feel disappointed, terrified, judgemental, shameful, horrified or suspicious.

When your dominant fundamental feeling is surprised, you may feel strained, confused, eager, fervent, excited or greedy.