Who we are

Finland Forward project coordinated by the Prime Minister’s Office.

Prime Minister’s Office, PO Box 23, FI-00023 GOVERNMENT

Registry office: kirjaamo(at)vnk.fi, tel. +358 295 160 334

Our websites are available at https://nykytunteenmuseo.fihttps://suomitoimii.fi and https://valtioneuvosto.fi

What data we collect, and why

On the website, users can vote on their emotions and write a letter to their future selves. When website users write a letter to themselves on the website, we will store the letter and the email address linked to it to send the letter back later. Users can give their consent to having their letters published, in which case letters will be read before their publication. Letters only intended for users will not be read.

Personal data is only stored for justified reasons. As a rule, the data is needed to implement services and for communication. The use of the services is voluntary, and the personal data provided is not processed for any purposes other than those indicated.

The data is processed by the persons maintaining the content of the service in the ministries, as well as by cooperation partners and their subcontractors who produce the service (hasan & partners and Into-digital oy). The Ministry has agreed on the processing of personal data with these bodies in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation.

As a user of services, you have the right to know what data we store about you and who processes your data. In addition, you can also check the data we have collected about you and update it, if necessary. User’s rights and requests for personal data

If you need more information concerning the processing of your personal data at the Ministry, please contact the Ministry’s Data Protection Officer.

The Museum of Contemporary Emotions includes events and phenomena related to the coronavirus pandemic, and its purpose is to provide visitors with an opportunity to reflect on their own emotions as part of their recovery. Visitors to the museum can participate in brief surveys during their visit and write a letter to their future selves. The letters and the results of the brief surveys may be used in future research as data illustrating the current period. We will retain the letters as part of the archiving of information about the coronavirus pandemic by the National Archives of Finland. Archiving requires the data subject’s consent, which can be given in the letter template of the Museum of Contemporary Emotions.


Cookies are not collected separately on the website.

Embedded content imported from other websites

Articles presented on this website may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Opening embedded content imported from other websites is similar to the user accessing the third party’s website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking cookies or monitor your interaction with the embedded content, including the tracking of interaction, if and when you are a registered user on the website.

For how long do we retain data?

If you leave a letter to yourself, the Prime Minister’s Office will retain the letter and the email address linked to it until the letter is sent, and its metadata will be retained indefinitely. No data will be retained outside the EU/EEA.