If this feeling were a work of art, what would it be like?

Through the Summer of the Arts project, six recently graduated artists, Heta-Linnea Kovanen, Janne Saarinen, Jenni Turunlahti, Jonna HyttinenTerhi Adler and Jirko Viljanen, also joined the museum project. They all interpreted one of the six fundamental feelings in their works. The works of art are displayed in connection with the launch of the museum, and posters made from them may be freely downloaded on the museum website.  

Emotional posters

Download the disgust poster


Download the joy poster


Download the surprise poster


Download the fear poster


Download the sadness poster


Download the anger poster


The Summer of the Arts project

The Summer of the Arts provided a summer work project for 100 recently graduated art professionals in summer 2021. The project will allow people throughout Finland to experience professional works of art. The Summer of the Arts is a major project by the Finnish Cultural Foundation implemented by KULTA ry – a Central Organisation for Finnish Culture and Arts Associations. 


Heta-Linnea Kovanen

Illustrator and visual artist 

Emotional work: animation on anger 

More about Heta-Linnea

Janne Saarinen

Visual artist

Work: “Disgust”, 110 x 95 cm, Acrylic on canvas 

More about Janne

Jenni Turunlahti

Instructor of Literary Art 

Work: The blank poem Joy 

More about Jenni

Jirko Viljanen

Graphic artist

Work: Sadness graphic 

More about Jirko

Jonna Hyttinen

Visual artist

Work: The Muistelmia book (fear) 

More about Jonna

Terhi Adler

Comics artist

Work: Three-dimensional comic book (confusion) 

More about Terhi