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Photo: Emilia Anundi

Fear of the future


The new spring jacket I bought the day before yesterday is haunting me from my hallway closet. I’m a bundle of nerves. That money would have paid for a week’s worth of food. Why did I have to be so careless with money last month? I didn’t even put anything into my savings. My face feels hot. What if the money stops coming in? 

‘My face feels hot. What if the money stops coming in?’

Memberships of unemployment funds increased massively

In the days right before and after WHO declaring the pandemic, keywords related to unemployment were used significantly more often in search engines than the year before. During the spring, Finland’s largest unemployment fund, YTK, saw nearly twice as many new members as it did the year before.   

Psychotherapist Maaret Kallio encourages people to share their feelings of insecurity and despair. 

Just the thought of being unemployed can be a crisis

Particularly in Western countries, the uncertainty about future prospects caused fear and anxiety. A large number of people had to profoundly reflect on the fact that they were unable to plan their lives more than six months in advance and that they were not in control.  

The uncertainty of our future should not stop us from dreaming or making plans. It is a good idea to learn to be flexible and think about how you can help yourself adapt to the changes that life inevitably brings. Unexpected changes, both good and bad ones, are part of human life.  

In order to be optimistic about the future, it is a good idea to think about who or what makes you feel safe? Social support and sharing one’s experiences are important. Being able to share your feeling of insecurity with someone makes you feel safer already. Just as shared despair gives you hope. 

How did you feel?

The alternatives concern the fundamental feelings related to this phenomenon and page. We call them secondary feelings. It may, however, be that you did not feel this way. Perhaps you felt something completely different? In that case, select “some other feeling” and, if you so wish, write about your feelings in a letter.

In spring, when I considered the possibility of unemployment, I felt…

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Thank you.

You were not alone with your feelings.

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Photo: Elias Lahtinen & Saara Tuominen

Cultural void
