Punapaitainen pitkähiuksinen henkilö makaa lumisessa metsässä. Hän nojaa sammaleen peittämään kiveen.

Photo: Sanni Seppo



He asked if I could sleep there. I told him that of course, it’s my home. We got some beef tenderloin and wine and I sat with my son until three or four in the morning, checking on him from time to time. We ate and drank, and afterwards, I went to sleep next to him. Around noon the next day, the funeral home came for my husband. The worst part of it was when they closed the zipper of the body bag, and he was really gone. There’ll be only ten people at the funeral. 

‘…and he was really gone.’

The significance of funerals was highlighted

The restrictions on social gatherings also applied to funerals. The most severe restriction that was placed was a maximum of ten people in one space. Many felt it was crushing that touching, and hugging in particular, had to be left out at funerals.


Grief researcher Mari Pulkkinen talks about loss. 

The loss will stay with us

Contrary to a common misconception, grieving is not a process. It contains no regular stages after which the dream is over and the person is “cured”. Loss is a part of humanity, one of the experiences we will have. Like our other experiences, it will also remain a part of us and mould us into who we are. Grieving is not a harmful disorder but rather a natural phenomenon. The grieving person often feels that time stands still, and they turn to look into the past. Grief may feel like a state of existence that is difficult to leave. And this is acceptable – we should all have the opportunity to grieve well. 

How did you feel?

The alternatives concern the fundamental feelings related to this phenomenon and page. We call them secondary feelings. It may, however, be that you did not feel this way. Perhaps you felt something completely different? In that case, select “some other feeling” and, if you so wish, write about your feelings in a letter.

When I was faced with a personal loss, I felt…

Järjestelmässä tapahtui virhe. Yritä hetken kuluttua uudestaan.

Thank you.

You were not alone with your feelings.

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Tummasti pukeutunut henkilö seisoo kadulla savun keskellä. Henkilön kasvoja ei näy. Taka-alalla on harmaa kivinen talo.

Photo: Uwa Idouzee

Conspiracy theories
