Sänky, jonka päällä on värikäs peitto. Peiton alla on joku piilossa.

Photo: Petri Huhtinen

A Child Without a Class


I stare at the display where the faces of my classmates keep popping up and disappearing again. ‘Mum! Ville has a new cap! I want one too!’ Mari’s dog makes an appearance on the screen. Viljami’s cam is turned off again although the teacher’s said it must be turned on. I’m keeping my cam turned off, to in case my Dad walks past me. I switch to another window; a wall of black text on white. It’s hard to breathe. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Where are the instructions? Toni’s already completed the assignment. Why can’t I do it? Milla sent a song to Fadumo. Why didn’t she send it to me? Oh right, the assignment. I try to read the text carefully. I don’t understand it. ‘Mum! I can’t do the assignment again.’ Mum still doesn’t answer.

“…I switch to another window; a wall of black text on white. It’s hard to breathe.”

Distance learning led to increasing differences between learners

Students who were already struggling with learning felt that the period of remote education was onerous. Teachers could not provide the same kind of support as they can in person. Remote education was stressful. In comprehensive school, some students could spend up to eight hours each day to complete assignments, while some disappeared from lessons completely.  

Tuulia Kovanen from the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters talks about the challenges of children and families with children during the state of emergency. 

School is a safe haven for many

Home is not a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. The pandemic had an effect on all children and young people, since it decreased their sense of security. As many as one in three 13–19-year-olds said they felt sad due to the coronavirus crisis. Those most vulnerable were children and young people living in homes with substance abuse and violence. In the worst cases, being isolated at home could sever the child’s contact with the safe adults at day care or school. 

How did you feel?

The alternatives concern the fundamental feelings related to this phenomenon and page. We call them secondary feelings. It may, however, be that you did not feel this way. Perhaps you felt something completely different? In that case, select “some other feeling” and, if you so wish, write about your feelings in a letter.

When I was studying from home, I sometimes felt…

Järjestelmässä tapahtui virhe. Yritä hetken kuluttua uudestaan.

Thank you.

You were not alone with your feelings.

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Punapaitainen pitkähiuksinen henkilö makaa lumisessa metsässä. Hän nojaa sammaleen peittämään kiveen.

Photo: Sanni Seppo

