Nainen seisoo ikkunalaudalla pesemässä ikkunoita kuulokkeet korvissaan. Mies istuu naisen vieressä ja lukee kirjaa.

Photo: Emilia Anundi



There’s much more room in the hallway closet. The smell – or scent? – of my significant other is still there. It makes me feel anger, longing and irritation. I decide to clean the bathroom. Or maybe I’ll go for a jog. Longing and the joy of freedom alternate within me. 


‘It makes me feel anger, longing and irritation.’

Marriages were under stress in Helsinki

The coronavirus was challenging for marriages, particularly in Helsinki which saw a one-third increase in the number of divorces filed compared to the previous year. The phenomenon was not seen in other cities, and on a national level, the number of divorces actually decreased.  

Expert Suvi Laru of the couples counselling centre Parisuhdekeskus Kataja talks about divorces and relationships during the coronavirus crisis. 

The emotional rollercoaster brought on by divorce may be surprising

divorce is always a crisis. The emotions brought on by it and the intensity of the emotions may catch us off guard, but they are justified and processing them is important in order to move on. Anger is such emotion, and processing healthy anger is important for both parties. Sometimes the party that initiated the divorce has difficulties processing their anger because they also feel guilty.  

How did you feel?

The alternatives concern the fundamental feelings related to this phenomenon and page. We call them secondary feelings. It may, however, be that you did not feel this way. Perhaps you felt something completely different? In that case, select “some other feeling” and, if you so wish, write about your feelings in a letter.

At the start of our divorce process, I felt…

Järjestelmässä tapahtui virhe. Yritä hetken kuluttua uudestaan.

Thank you.

You were not alone with your feelings.

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Kaksi miestä seisoo kerrostalon pihalla aurinkoisessa säässä. He keskustelevat parvekkeella olevan vanhemman naisen kanssa.

Photo: Susa Junnola

Living room art gallery
