Pieni tyttö kirjoittaa koulukirjaansa. Taustalla toinen lapsi makaa kyyryssä sängyssä ilman vaatteita.

Photo: Eeva Anundi

Home Schooling


At first, it felt weird to think that I wouldn’t be going to school. But it was fun! I got to sleep longer in the mornings. In the morning, we logged in to Teams, and our teacher gave us assignments. We responded directly to our teacher in the chat or sent a picture when we completed the assignments. We watched a lot of videos about washing our hands. And there was that hand washing song that always got stuck in your head. Wash, wash your hands. And someone always linked it in the chat and then it was in everyone’s head. And sometimes our teacher had to forbid us from sharing them in the chat, memes and things.  

‘… always got stuck in your head, “wash, wash your hands”…’

Students were grateful for the calm studying environment

Students in grades 1–9 were in remote education for around two months. A regular day at school started with everyone signing into Microsoft Teams. The teacher gave the students assignments and then everyone was free to complete them at their own pace. Lunch breaks and breaks were held as usual. The experiences of children and young people have varied tremendously depending on their home situation. For an average student, remote education has been a good experience.  

Sources: University of Turku, School health survey/Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL, Helsingin Sanomat

Riikka Nurmi from Mieli Mental Health Finland talks about children’s experiences during distance teaching.  

How did you feel?

The alternatives concern the fundamental feelings related to this phenomenon and page. We call them secondary feelings. It may, however, be that you did not feel this way. Perhaps you felt something completely different? In that case, select “some other feeling” and, if you so wish, write about your feelings in a letter.

When I heard we were being transferred to remote education, I felt…

Järjestelmässä tapahtui virhe. Yritä hetken kuluttua uudestaan.

Thank you.

You were not alone with your feelings.

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Photo: Annika Pitkänen

Digital teacher
