The fantasy of substandard care for the unvaccinated is a source of sorrow.
A perceptible polarisation between the vaccinated and unvaccinated in various encounters has caused a huge misunderstanding from the point of view of health care professionals, suggesting that unvaccinated patients are less worthy than those who have been vaccinated. Many conversations with patients and relatives during the pandemic have stressed that nobody at the hospital is to blame for the current state of affairs, and everything possible is being done for the health of the patient. Professionals are relieved that hospitals are not the focus of the greatest fanaticism concerning vaccinations. Once inside the hospital, every human being is treated in the same way, and with equal dignity.

Chief Physician Mika Valtonen and intensive care nurse Sanna Nerjanto discuss what the pandemic has been like from the perspective of health care staff.
Even off-duty professionals have felt responsibility and concern for the pandemic
The continual flow of news about infections, hospitalisation rates, deaths, the number of people vaccinated and the global pandemic has prevented health care professionals from winding down from work when off duty. Particularly in the early days of the pandemic, uncertainty about the characteristics and spread of the virus caused continual concern for people about their own health and that of their loved ones. Health care staff are constantly worried about whether they can attend christenings, weddings or gatherings of any kind, or whether it would be better for them to put their personal lives on hold until the pandemic clears.
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